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  • MEMO & BID POLICY - 2010
    Updated On: Sep 273, 2010

    The bid policy F-A 09-27 was written after several meet and confer meetings with the Fire Chief of your Principle Officers. The intent of this policy is to allow members the ability to select their operational assignments with minimal restrictions and allow staff the ability to make adjustments when necessary to ensure the department needs are met. AC Lenahan and I will be administering the bid selection process. Any issues that arise during its implementation will be dealt with in a collaborative manner and a solution will be rendered that meets the intent of the policy.


    The process will begin 0800 on October 1st. I will be contacting each member starting at the top of the F-A 6C Seniority List by Rank. Unlike the way we pick vacations, each member will be given sixty (60) minutes to make their selection of assignment. My last call each day will be no later than 1600 hours. At the end of each day I will post the latest F-A 10-BID on the Union website for all members to view. I will also strike the names of the members who have selected that day on the posted F-A 6C for all to see where I stand on the list. The selection process will proceed Monday through Friday in this fashion until the process is complete.


    All assignments are open for bid with the acceptation of the forty hour positions during the trial period.  If at the end of the trail period the operational assignment bid system becomes policy, Staff and Union representatives will meet and confer on how best to handle these positions. Any member may bid into any open position for which they are qualified. Members bidding into certain assignments shall be responsible for extra the duties that come with those positions.


    E16 Captain shall become the BC Aide and will be responsible for all duties assigned.


    T12 will once again become the HazMat rig to better handle the operational problem of staffing E12 with a dual certified member (HM/AP). The T12 HazMat Captains shall assume the divisional responsibilities for HazMat. If you are HazMat qualified, whether paid or not, you can bid into any open HazMat position at Station 12. One position per shift on E12 shall be filled by an AP Captain or Engineer, or shall be handled by the paramedic rotation from RA15.


    You must be an AP Captain to bid on to E15. E15B will assume the Paramedic Coordinator assignment. Paramedics must bid into one of three paramedic openings reserved for each RA. If an AP Captain or Engineer bid on to E12 or E16, the firefighter position will not have to be filled by the rotational paramedic from its partner RA (ie: E12/RA15 and E16/RA11). If the Captain and Engineer positions are filled by non-AP’s than one firefighter position will be held for the rotational paramedic from its partner RA. Assessment Paramedics may bid into any opening available.


    Here comes the part where “staff has the ability to make adjustments when necessary to ensure the department needs are met”. Both Staff and the Union acknowledge that in order to maintain operational efficiently a balance of all specialties on all shifts must be maintained. We feel that HazMat, Paramedics and Assessment Paramedics will more than likely balance during the process. We are not as sure about Certified Relief Drives, but we are keeping our fingers crossed. Members should be aware that the possibility may exist that more than one specialty on any apparatus may be reassigned at the end of the bid selection process. As the bid progresses AC Lenahan and I will be monitoring the balances for all specialty positions. If at the end of the selection process movements must be made to maintain operational efficiency, than re-assignment of personnel may be necessary. Movements shall be made in accordance to Section IV-D of Memo F-A 09-27. Staff will attempt to make as little movements as possible to meet the intent of the bid policy.


    If you have any question please email me @ l8sleeper@earthlink.net .


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